Wednesday, August 09, 2006

mavil aru open? and is it really unconditional?

tigers claimed they opened mavil aru sluice gate yesterday. there are conflicting reports, as to whether this is actually the case and whether water is flowing. see daily mirror report (from lanka we will know that for certain today.

it is quite possible that given their position became untenable after their failure in muttur, tigers preempted the military and opened it themselves in a last ditch effort to stop the military operation. they tried the same thing using norwegians on sunday.

however government should stick to its stand that the gates should be opened unconditionally. tiger claims that it is unconditional does not make it unconditional. it becomes unconditional only if irrigation department employees can access the sluice gates without any interference from terrorists now and in the future. it is government’s duty to ensure this and that people who depend on the water from irrigation works it maintains are not subject to whims of pussies when they want to make demands in the future.

if sri lanka monitoring mission members, other civil representatives, or journalists, wants to make sure and claim tigers have opened the gates unconditionally they should accompany irrigation department officials (not terrorists) to the gates unimpeded by any interference from tigers.

1 comment:

Keshi said...

**they should accompany irrigation department officials (not terrorists) to the gates unimpeded by any interference from tigers.

thats true.
