Thursday, April 27, 2006

an update: cpa report on trincomalee

as you may know if you have been reading this blog. i have advanced evidence to show the bias of statement issued by centre for policy alternatives(cpa) on 21st. I have also advanced evidence to show that it was in fact a partial plagiarism from one of dbs jeyaraj's blog posts. so far i am yet to see any evidence to the contrary here or at moju where this is discussed.

it has since emerged that cpa has published (on 26th or later, a fact not mentioned in website, though it is dated 21st)a report purporting to be the report on which earlier statement was based. this new report while answering my questions regarding the availability of the actual report of the so called 'fact finding' and clarity regarding whether the all signatories of earlier statement actually took part in the 'fact finding'(they did not), fail completely to answer other questions raised.

all the other questions i raised regarding representativeness, the transparency , and methods, used in that 'fact finding mission' still remain valid for this report as well. they are yet be answered for earlier statment.

evidence i put forward showing bias of earlier statement with regard to content and recommendations is still valid for that statement and this newly published report.

to be fair, this new report does use the word 'unconfirmed' more often before putting forward allegations and it states that 'Most of the people we spoke to in the town , who were mostly tamil or non Sri Lankan'.

however that only raises the question as to why was that uncertainty almost completely dropped when cpa issued the earlier statement if that was based on this as it was implied? is this more evidence for bias and selective fact finding when releasing that earlier statement?

in this connection it is of importance to note that earlier statement was used by tamilnet and others as propaganda almost immediately after its publication.

in the same way plagiarism charge is still valid for earlier statement. in fact earlier statement has more in common with the jeyaraj's post than this report except for the recommendation part.

for instance in case of hatton national bank this new report details an attempt to attack the teller machine but earlier statement was shown to have plagiarized the paragraph containing the reference to hatton national bank from from jeyaraj word to word.

given that no significant effort has been made so far to disprove the charges of bias and plagiarism,
and given that almost all questions raised regarding the earlier statement are valid with regard to new report as well,
we are left with no other option but to doubt the bona fide of cpa and its motivation.


Keshi said...

hey Sittingnut I dunno much abt this case but how's SL after all the bombings etc?


Morquendi said...

ado, attention grabber. no one is litening to you anymore. so pick another fight. everyone knows this baseless argument of yours has been carried on for too long. it's not even funny anymore.

have you written to DBS to ask him what he thinks? He's in canada isn't he. can't have done much fact finding himself. or perhaps you're his local handler plagiarising on his behalf.

so when're you joining the army? the LTTE is shitting their pants!

sittingnut said...

others have written posts confirming the validity of questions raised regarding this cpa statement.




sittingnut said...

its all checks and searches at the moment . we will see what happens.

everyone knows this baseless argument of yours has been carried on for too long. it's not even funny anymore.
see above
cpa or the signatories wont get away that easy :-)

have you written to DBS to ask him what he thinks?
who said anything about jeyaraj finding facts? who said he had facts?
cpa only copied from his post however he got it. evidence proves it .
if you want to disprove it disprove the evidence if you can. at least get someone else to do as you obviously can't due to you know what.

so when're you joining the army?
why should i ? :-)
did i advocate war?

ashanthi :
s/nut - can we have an article about how many civilians have been killed
where ? tell me what yo are referring to and i will give the substantiated figures if i can.

peace, who needs it when we can just have more of the same bloody crap
ltte just has to stop the attacks. all others flow from it at the moment.

Keshi said...

oh ok, thanks! And u take care ok...


Anonymous said...

Sittingnut, here are some pictures that will PISS OFF Morquendi:

sittingnut said...

its always good to see you here

thanks. did you create them?
i don't go for that kind of pics but i hope morquendi does :-)

here some links from bbc

and given the bbc's pro ltte bias, as was demonstrated by its exaggeration of displaced numbers due to strikes, even they may be exaggerations.
almost all the hits were on ltte positions.

"more than half a million people have been either killed or disappeared since independence excluding those taken by the Tsunami, 1 million continue to be displaced and millions have left Sri Lanka as a result of the war"
that is an exaggeration. and should not be reported.

i never give figures that were not confirmed elsewhere and with links. morquendi has some plain wrong accounts as always. any report of his must be treated with skepticism.

btw aren't you obsessed with morquendi? i am quite jealous :-)

Keshi said...

Hope u'll have a great day ahead Sittingnut :)


Anonymous said...

Hey nut,

Heard you can find my IP address. Could u just demonstrate that? I mean, could u tell me what IP was used to post this, please?

Keshi said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY for the 2nd of May Sittingnut!


sittingnut said...

keshi :
thanks :-)

sittingnut said...

your email is nonsense . all the concerns it raises, why a pregnant woman was in in army hq, how the air strikes were launched were detailed with witness accounts in media here and foreign . do read.

btw did you get this from morquendi? :-)

morq's figures are always wrong don't trust anything he says unless confirmed by other sources. anyway do confirm that for all allegations not just his, other wise you will get excited for no reason.

bbc reporting of air strikes and the figures for displaced were biased they almost admit it now.

and choosing the Norwegians to broker Peace when we used to be thier colony
huh? their colony? when?

Morq isn't the only Sinhalese person who thinks the way he does - you need to bear this in mind.
that is bc he is a bit you know what.

sittingnut said...

anon 5/03/2006 2:38 am.
why? what would that prove? why is it relevant here ?

that you are using some ipmasking service is evident.

make sure you do it through a legal means there are lot of legal anonymizer services like tor.

about abuses using Layered Technologies, Inc. ip space see
this article and this discussion .

Jim said...

heyyyy u sitting nut
happy bday

tell me how does a sweet girl like Keshi find u attractive ?

your posts are as dry
as a woman way post menopause

Jim said...

Ashanti is a regular here

i am one too henceforth

uttara said...


belated happy b'day to u :)

have a beautifulll day ... :D

burf said...

belated happy b'day, lotsa wishes

sittingnut said...

saby :
thanks :-)

they are dry on purpose or so i say. :-)

thank you very much !:-D
i hope you had a beautiful day too!

thanks a lot !

Keshi said...

lol Saby is here to annoy ya...goshhh he's everywhere!

thanks Saby, Uttsy and Burfy...u guys rock!


sittingnut said...

keshi :
they rock indeed . so do you :-)