Tuesday, December 20, 2011

what to write?

that is the question.
what to blog about in a peaceful prospering sri lanka? 

country is getting positively boring.
that is a good thing.
if you are not a political blogger. 

living in such a country is great if you are a family man or an unmarried one; if you are trying to make money or just want to be lazy. it is definitely the place to be if you want to enjoy life, or be miserable by choice.
i am thankful it is like that, now. 
and we, sri lankans, will keep it that way.

but what to write?

be more personal and less political? but i cringe when people indecently expose their own diaries to public as blogs.
write about foreign stuff and my reactions to art and techs? and my thoughts on philosophy and religion? maybe. iow, be boring? maybe.


what to write?


my twitter - http://twitter.com/sittingnut
this blog's twitter - http://twitter.com/llibertarian